Monday, April 15, 2024

Ch.10 - Product Concepts

 The multiple advantages for KISS brand name are one is its unique to its brand of fake nails which secures its place in the artificial nails market making consumer look to only KISS nails for fake nails and prevents imitations. Secondly it resonates or sticks with their target audience it short and memorable appealing to the teens and young adults.Also with a recognizable brand name you can charge more than other business.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Ch. 18 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

 The steps in the selling process for my product is first research. Researching is essential to figuring out whether people would want KISS nails and they advertise to the specific target market of the ages 18-25 who use social media a lot with advertisements. In those advertisements they answer the questions of will it fit their nails sizes which it does. Also, with certain rewards included in their VIP club member would get points and with enough points you are able to buy their products. They also give birthday bonus a nice incentive to help push their product to sell.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Ch. 17 - Advertising and Public Relations