Monday, May 6, 2024

Final Post - No Text Chapter - Social Media and Marketing

 KISS nails use primary Tik Tok with over 5 million views for their videos. With their huge presence on Tik Tok they utilize it by staying with the trends so that algorithm will show up on their target audience feed.They mainly use this social media because their target audience (18-24) uses this app

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets

 The position KISS nails have is middle aged married/divorced where they are in financial position that's still better More wives work Some children get jobs Hard to influence with advertising High average purchase of durables Buy new furniture. Although very confliction on the position of hard to influence with advertising when they do advertise a lot and follow trends.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Ch. 16 - Promotional Planning for Competitive Advantage

 KISS nails competitive advantages is it has is a huge global presence which goes hand in hand with its strong brand reputation for its wide range of styles and variation of lengths that can cater to different consumers with the affordable prices but high quality nails.With KISS nails main hq in Washington D.C geographically they can deliver and provide products fast to customers.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Ch.10 - Product Concepts

 The multiple advantages for KISS brand name are one is its unique to its brand of fake nails which secures its place in the artificial nails market making consumer look to only KISS nails for fake nails and prevents imitations. Secondly it resonates or sticks with their target audience it short and memorable appealing to the teens and young adults.Also with a recognizable brand name you can charge more than other business.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Ch. 18 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

 The steps in the selling process for my product is first research. Researching is essential to figuring out whether people would want KISS nails and they advertise to the specific target market of the ages 18-25 who use social media a lot with advertisements. In those advertisements they answer the questions of will it fit their nails sizes which it does. Also, with certain rewards included in their VIP club member would get points and with enough points you are able to buy their products. They also give birthday bonus a nice incentive to help push their product to sell.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Ch. 17 - Advertising and Public Relations

Monday, March 25, 2024

Ch. 14 - Retailing

 Kiss products retails to the public by selling their product to bigger retailers such as Walmart, Walgreens Target etc. They do though have their own online store so there are more options to buy their product directly. Kiss Nails retails to primary large retailers because when collaborating with big retailers helps with marketing their product to a wider audience.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

 As you can see on the right it is a set of press-on nails from Impress a second brand of press on nails branching from Kiss nails. Impress unlike KISS doesn't include a nail glue in their set of nails promoting possibly a better option for people who don't want their natural nails to be damaged from KISS nail glue. Impress nails designs as unique as they are like KISS, they only offer range of sizes from small to medium while KISS has long nail sizes. To differentiate themselves from KISS they have much smaller and simpler packaging not having different variation of styles such as classic bare or majestic. Essentially for Impress they are the second option as a consideration because many of their similarities, but they are very different in the sense of their sizes styles and application available.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision

 The global vision for KISS nails is to be the world's best supplier of artificial nails that have high quality and innovative designs suited from bold designs to natural looking. while setting new trends in fashion. While being affordable with their inexpensive prices.They are inexpensive because they receive their supplies from China specifically their ABS plastic used to make the nails themselves. However, the only factory I could find was KISS inc. in Washington D.C. KISS stands out from the foreign competitors by already selling to over 100 countries with their long history alone such as London, Hong Kong, Canada, and France.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment


The target market for KISS nails is marketed to is mainly women of all races and ethnicities. To be more specific the age groups are in the range of 18-24 who tend to be busy individuals but also fashion forwarded. KISS also targets to people with special events coming up and are beauty enthusiast but also budget conscious. Which explains their price, styles and where they sell their products.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Ch. 11 - Developing and Managing Products


KISS nails were first being developed in a small studio in Flushing Queens, NY with something that stood out from other artificial nails at the time in 1989.The original artificial nails was made by accident by a doctor who broke his nail and used dental acrylics to cover up a broken nail. And with that in salons they started to use this product in salons. John Chang the inventor of KISS nails was a chemist seeing the popularity of artificial nails thought of the wait time people have to spend in salons was too long.Therfore, he experimented with different materials to make artificial nails before obtaining ABS plastic that comes from China and is a Heat resistant plastic. ABS stands for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Ch. 3-Ethics and Social Responsibility

To remind you again their mission statement is to provide the highest quality of items to bring home. And in relation to that and expand itself KISS has decided to make a website called a website that is like a magazine that is going to empower women and provide all types of types and tricks in fashion. In order to empower women, they will be promoting body positivity and trying to be the source of education and inspiration to a diversity of woman.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Ch. 2 - Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

 ðŸŒ¸S:Have Wide range of styles, can be done at home, affordable price, easy to apply, and varies in finger sizes so you'll always have a fit

🌸W:only be worn most of the time for a week, can lift up while in use, lifting may cause natural to lift.

🌸O:Can provide equipment for nail salons

🌸T:In person salons, nail technicians branching out and making custom nails, the quality of their product, cheaper press on nails